All your health information secure in one place.
The EPR works.

Manage your own health information and share it with the health professionals looking after you. Making information sharing easier and more efficient will enhance the quality of your care. 

Internal link: Open EPR Internal link: The EPR in brief

The EPR in brief 

Manage your own health information and share it with the health professionals looking after you. Making information sharing easier and more efficient will enhance the quality of your care. 

Internal link: In short

If you are a health professional and would like to find out more about the advantages, functions and other topics, switch to the External link: page for professionals.

External link:

  • Digital versions of your medical reports and test results at your fingerips?

    The EPR works.

  • In an emergency, your health information is available immediately.

    The EPR works.

  • If you want to take control of your health information.

    The EPR works.

  • Time to stop hunting for your vaccination card?

    The EPR works.

  • Instant digital access to your medication list?

    The EPR works.

  • The EPR works, as soon as you’ve opened one.

    The EPR works.

Opening an EPR

Choose your EPR provider

To open your EPR, select an EPR provider and go through their registration process.